Damien Angelica Walters discusses her novel, Paper Tigers, along with her short stories, including her story that appears in Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories. Keith Chawgo comes by to talk Pyscho: Sanitarium. Jason then tells his feelings about the new Stephen King adaptation of his novel, Cell. Time to grab that beverage and get comfy, because it's going to be one hell of a ride. Find Damien Angelica Walters Online: http://damienangelicawalters.com/ Music Heard Like 100.000 Sunsets by Weird Owl Computer Age by Neil Young

Damien Angelica Walters discusses her novel, Paper Tigers, along with her short stories, including her story that appears in Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories. Keith Chawgo comes by to talk Pyscho: Sanitarium. Jason then tells his feelings about the new Stephen King adaptation of his novel, Cell.

Time to grab that beverage and get comfy, because it's going to be one hell of a ride. 



Find Damien Angelica Walters Online:


Music Heard

Like 100.000 Sunsets by Weird Owl

Computer Age by Neil Young