This week a bit of a shorter episode, but it's a special one folks!  Jason talks with Matt Hayward about his new anthology Welcome to the Show he did with Crystal Lake Publishing, releasing Friday, August 3, 2018.

Check out the Anthologies table of contents:
Alan M Clark – What Sort of Rube
Jonathan Janz – Night and Day and in Between
John Skipp – In the Winter of No Love
Patrick Lacey – Wolf with Diamond Eyes
Bryan Smith – Pilgrimage
Rachel Autumn Deering – A Tongue like Fire
Glenn Rolfe – Master of Beyond
Matt Hayward – Dark Stage
Kelli Owen – Open Mic Night
Matt Serafini – Beat on the Past
Max Booth III – True Starmen
Somer Canon – Just to be Seen
Jeff Strand – Parody
Robert Ford – Ascending
Adam Cesare – The Southern Thing
Brian Keene – Running Free
Mary SanGiovanni – We Sang in Darkness

Song heard: Blizzard Spaceship by Apodemus

This week a bit of a shorter episode but it's a special one, folks!  Jason talks with author/musician Matt Hayward about his new anthology Welcome to the Show that he did with Crystal Lake Publishing, releasing Friday, August 3, 2018.



  Check out the Anthologies table of contents:

Alan M Clark – What Sort of Rube
Jonathan Janz – Night and Day and in Between
John Skipp – In the Winter of No Love
Patrick Lacey – Wolf with Diamond Eyes
Bryan Smith – Pilgrimage
Rachel Autumn Deering – A Tongue like Fire
Glenn Rolfe – Master of Beyond
Matt Hayward – Dark Stage
Kelli Owen – Open Mic Night
Matt Serafini – Beat on the Past
Max Booth III – True Starmen
Somer Canon – Just to be Seen
Jeff Strand – Parody
Robert Ford – Ascending
Adam Cesare – The Southern Thing
Brian Keene – Running Free
Mary SanGiovanni – We Sang in Darkness

Song heard: Blizzard Spaceship by Apodemus