Because I fear your story is ending soon...

The Byron Chronicles S02E09: The Hour of Portland

(33:25, 38.3 MB MP3, released 2009.12.09)

Written by Mark D Wrenchild and Eric Busby

Featured in the cast:

David Ault as Byron
Laura Post as Chris Sparrow
Mark Bruzee as Slate
Megan Pressley as Katharine Masen
Ben Harmer as Branlaven
Clym Angus Dodds as Dracula
Darren Marlar as Ryuk
Jon Specht as Demetri
Brad Smith as Felix
Bruce Busby as Bret Lovecraft
Michael Hudson as Aide 1
Elie Hirchman as Aide 2
Julian Bane as Leviathan

Music by Midnight Syndicate
Additional Music by Immediate music
Byron Theme by Kai Hartwig

This episode was written and directed by Eric Busby
Post Production by Eric Busby