What does it take to be a best-seller on Amazon? Tyler Wagner is a writer and runs the Best Selling Book System for authors who want to break into the Amazon market. He also shares his daily routine, how he writes and the mistakes authors make by not what writing about things they are passionate […]

What does it take to be a best-seller on Amazon? Tyler Wagner is a writer and runs the Best Selling Book System for authors who want to break into the Amazon market. He also shares his daily routine, how he writes and the mistakes authors make by not what writing about things they are passionate about.

Conference Crushing
by Tyler Wagner

Four Hour Work-Week
by Tim Ferriss

Alan Watts Guided Meditation (YouTube)

Best Selling Book System (Tyler’s program)

The Kindle device Dave has

Best Selling Book Metrics

Contact Tyler: [email protected]

Want to see the design contest I ran on 99 Designs to create the Darken the Page Logo? Visit darkenthepage.com/99designs to see all the logos I didn’t choose.