Steven Memel is the creator of “The Science Of Switching On”, a system that enables him to achieve rapid and dramatic results with all performers in helping them get into the zone and stay there. I’ve personally worked with him and I’m proud to call him a friend and a mentor. Since I’ve started this podcast I’ve […]

Steven Memel is the creator of “The Science Of Switching On”, a system that enables him to achieve rapid and dramatic results with all performers in helping them get into the zone and stay there. I’ve personally worked with him and I’m proud to call him a friend and a mentor. Since I’ve started this podcast I’ve been wanting to have him on the show and I’m happy it’s finally worked out.

In this episode we talk about his discovery that there is only one art, and why that made such a difference in all his artistic pursuits. We also dive deep into what the feeling of being in the flow is. I would say we really geek out on that, so for the creativity geeks out there you’ll love it.

The Science of Switching On

Robin Williams Inside the Actor’s Studio

[Bonus Content] conversation between Steven and Dave Booda about careers & patience

Today’s episode is sponsored by Stride Health, visit for more.

Today’s music was Cherrywood by Dawn & Hawkes, who were guests on Episode 44.

Check out their new album on iTunes.