I really love speaking with Amir, he’s so passionate about the insights he has had, and after writing four books he has some great wisdom to share. We talk about overcoming writers block, struggling to make a “best seller” and what it means to let go and surrender to what wants to come through. Amir’s […]

I really love speaking with Amir, he’s so passionate about the insights he has had, and after writing four books he has some great wisdom to share. We talk about overcoming writers block, struggling to make a “best seller” and what it means to let go and surrender to what wants to come through.

Amir’s latest book Lessons From My Coach

Amir’s website: amirkarkouti.com

Want to see the design contest I ran on 99 Designs to create the Darken the Page Logo? Visit darkenthepage.com/99designs to see all the logos I didn’t choose.