Daniel didn’t intend to write his book, but he knew he loved writing. Hear his story about how he wrote his latest book on a steak over Christmas and his journey to being picked up by a major publisher. Energy Equation by Daniel Browne Episode 25 with Ron Wilder Elizabeth Gilbert TED Talk on Creativity […]

Daniel didn’t intend to write his book, but he knew he loved writing. Hear his story about how he wrote his latest book on a steak over Christmas and his journey to being picked up by a major publisher.

Energy Equation by Daniel Browne

Episode 25 with Ron Wilder

Elizabeth Gilbert TED Talk on Creativity

Related Episodes:

Ep.1 The Human Spirit, Inspiring Songs and Nonsensical Writing with Steve Chandler

Ep.13 Allowing Writing To Come Through You and Enjoying the Process w/ Lori Richards

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