What if writing a book was as simple as painting a room? Hear how Ron Wilder wrote his first book through seeing writing as blue-collar work, and how he went from a book about CEO effectiveness to a fiction thriller. Ron shares his best advice for writers as well as how he’s writing his new […]

What if writing a book was as simple as painting a room? Hear how Ron Wilder wrote his first book through seeing writing as blue-collar work, and how he went from a book about CEO effectiveness to a fiction thriller. Ron shares his best advice for writers as well as how he’s writing his new book through simultaneously recording a podcast and transcribing it.

Seize Your Opportunity (Ron’s Podcast) on iTunes

Aligned Action by Ron Wilder

The 100 Watt War by Ron Wilder

Ron’s Business Blog

On Writing by Stephen King

Shantaram: A Novel by Gregory David Roberts

The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz

Want to see the design contest I ran on 99 Designs to create the Darken the Page Logo? Visit darkenthepage.com/99designs to see all the logos I didn’t choose.