We’ve got an information heavy show today but you really don’t want to miss a minute of it. We start with a really great story about Mother’s Day and get right into business. Roger Stone is asking for a few things in his pending criminal case. He wants the unredacted Mueller Report and he wants […]

The post Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz: The Twists And Turns appeared first on Radio Influence.

We’ve got an information heavy show today but you really don’t want to miss a minute of it. We start with a really great story about Mother’s Day and get right into business.

Roger Stone is asking for a few things in his pending criminal case. He wants the unredacted Mueller Report and he wants the information from Crowdstrike to prove that the “Russians” hacked the DNC. If Crowdstrike didn’t prove that? Well, there is no case against Roger Stone and there is no case at all.

This story obviously intertwines into so much that is ongoing today and it takes us down the winding road of Julian Assange, the Embassy, his electronic devices and belongings, and straight into some theorizing and dot connecting based off of a correction in earlier John Solomon reporting on the State Department email to the FBI about Steele.

This conversation is one you absolutely don’t want to miss and you also don’t want to miss our take on the last episode of Game of Thrones at the end of the podcast.

Thanks for downloading this Monday edition of the Dark to Light podcast!



Gateway Pundit: Roger Stone Asks For Evidence Russians Hacked DNC Server — Court Win’t Provide It Because They Don’t Have It

President Trump tweets on the potential illegal coup being performed by the DNC


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The post Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz: The Twists And Turns appeared first on Radio Influence.

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