Thanks for joining us on a very special episode of the “Dark to Light” podcast! We recorded this today because of unfortunate technical issues we had on Friday but that said, it’s worth the wait. It’s an INFORMATION packed show. Frank and Tracy Beanz spend nearly the entire hour discussing Julian Assange, his arrest, the […]

The post Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz: Assange The World Turns appeared first on Radio Influence.

Thanks for joining us on a very special episode of the “Dark to Light” podcast! We recorded this today because of unfortunate technical issues we had on Friday but that said, it’s worth the wait. It’s an INFORMATION packed show.

Frank and Tracy Beanz spend nearly the entire hour discussing Julian Assange, his arrest, the deep state, and Seth Rich. The goal of today’s show is to hypothesize and give you hard information that you can use to navigate through this VERY intriguing happening.

It is an emotionally charged topic, however the pair discusses the role of James Comey, Paul Waldman, Mark Warner, and Bruce Ohr in attempting to arrange a failed immunity agreement for Assange, the role Seth Rich may have played, the forensic data behind the Guccifer 2 theory, the timing of the indictment, and even loop in Dana Rohrabacher, Rand Paul, and Jack Burkman.

They end on a lighter note with some head bopping and laughs. This is a show you definitely do not want to miss so make sure to download and share it with your friends!


Twitter Threads We Discussed

Tracy’s Twitter thread on Comey, Ohr, Etc

John Solomon’s article on James Comey and Wikileaks

Leaked audio of journalist Sy Hersh discussing the Seth Rich situation

Tracy Beanz’ YouTube Videos

The Assange Indictment: What is Trump’s role?
The Original Guccifer and Papadopoulos
The December Memo: Russian Hacking Debunked??
In Depth: Another Burkman Attempt And The Lawsuit
The Mueller Investigation: Is There More To Gates?
Guccifer 2.0 Ties Up Everything
Everything You Need To Know About The Guccifer(s): American First Media
Sean Hannity Goes Nuclear on the Seth Rich Investigation And More
Kim Dotcom, Hannity, And Seth Rich
How Does Guccifer 2.0 Play Into The Wiretapping?
Assange In London With Sean Hannity
Julian Assange With Sean Hannity (12/15/16)


Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter and subscribe to her YouTube channel!

Follow Frank on Twitter, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly!

Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Google Play!

The post Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz: Assange The World Turns appeared first on Radio Influence.

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