Today is really one of those shows where you get EVERYTHING. Frank and Tracy Beanz start off with a somewhat serious talk about the emotions surrounding the Comey Report yesterday and some of the reactions and the reasons for those reactions but we also move into substance. Beanz presents her “Top Three Things From The […]

The post Dark To Light: Top Three Things No One Is Talking About From The Comey OIG Report appeared first on Radio Influence.

Today is really one of those shows where you get EVERYTHING. Frank and Tracy Beanz start off with a somewhat serious talk about the emotions surrounding the Comey Report yesterday and some of the reactions and the reasons for those reactions but we also move into substance. Beanz presents her “Top Three Things From The Comey OIG Report That No One Is Talking About.”

Frank and Beanz get heavy into analysis on that and move into a recently released filing in the Gen. Michael Flynn case. Then, its off to “Leaker’s Paradise,” where the pair talk about a Trump staff member who has just resigned, a press that once again betrays their morals, and why it all could have happened.

Finally, the show ends with a ton of laughter and a light hearted and jovial tone so please don’t miss this roller coaster of a show on this Friday!!



Tracy’s Twitter thread on James Comey, Robert Mueller, and all things OIG

Techno Fog’s Twitter thread breaks down the Gen. Michael Flynn case

Brian Cates of The Epoch Times on leakers


Follow Tracy Beanz on Twitter, subscribe to her YouTube channel, and check out her newest venture,!

Follow Frank on Twitter, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and follow his solo podcast, Quite Frankly!

Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Google Play!

The post Dark To Light: Top Three Things No One Is Talking About From The Comey OIG Report appeared first on Radio Influence.

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