Tis’ a busy Friday show, with lots of news, legal information, and a ton of laughs too! We start with a discussion about Project Veritas and their recent release as well as the reaction from their “mark” and move to the Kari Lake appeal and Missouri v. Biden. We share some really funny parody from […]

The post Dark To Light: Fun Friday Legal Updates and News! appeared first on Radio Influence.

Tis’ a busy Friday show, with lots of news, legal information, and a ton of laughs too! We start with a discussion about Project Veritas and their recent release as well as the reaction from their “mark” and move to the Kari Lake appeal and Missouri v. Biden. We share some really funny parody from Tyler Fisher, and round out the show with news and discussion. We will see you back on Monday!

Links Mentioned

Kari Lake: https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1618290915482955776?s=20&t=I6PQqxo3xkotEnm9AZWS2w


Missouri v. Biden: https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1618345539615207426?s=20&t=8H6McOUDP5wpFl6OjYloxw

John Eastman: https://www.calbar.ca.gov/About-Us/News/News-Releases/attorney-john-eastman-charged-with-multiple-disciplinary-counts-by-the-state-bar-of-california


Houck: https://www.ncregister.com/cna/prosecution-rests-case-in-mark-houck-trial-defense-motions-to-dismiss-the-case

An Update on the Chickens: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2023%2Fjan%2F25%2F18-a-dozen-how-did-americas-eggs-get-absurdly-expensive

Tyler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSjuQlnT6qc


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The post Dark To Light: Fun Friday Legal Updates and News! appeared first on Radio Influence.

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