John le Bon is the World’s Leading Skeptic. He has been podcasting and video-making since 2014, and although youtube deleted his channel one year ago, JLB’s new channel is already back to well over 1,300 subscribers and growing quickly. His website is home to an energetic online community of skeptics and critical thinkers from around the world, with an active comments section, forum, and Discord channel.

JLB focuses on the fields of media fakery, science fakery, history fakery, and sync. Having spent most of the first 30 years of his life in Australia, JLB is currently traveling around south east Asia – or, at least, he was, until he got stuck in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when international borders closed due to the Moron-A-Virus. In a bizarre twist of Sync, Kuala Lumpur happens to be the home of the world’s largest existing Twin Towers…


Thank you for listening to the Midnight in the Desert Hour podcast. This segment is a portion of our regular 4 hour program broadcast 5 days a week on the Internet station Dark Matter Radio. We broadcast LIVE at 1 AM Eastern time, 10PM Pacific time. See for more information and links to listen LIVE and join our Time Travelers subscription service to listen to our full archives of the show.

John le Bon is the World’s Leading Skeptic. He has been podcasting and video-making since 2014, and although youtube deleted his channel one year ago, JLB’s new channel is already back to well over 1,300 subscribers and growing quickly. His website is home to an energetic online community of skeptics and critical thinkers from around the world, with an active comments section, forum, and Discord channel.

JLB focuses on the fields of media fakery, science fakery, history fakery, and sync. Having spent most of the first 30 years of his life in Australia, JLB is currently traveling around south east Asia – or, at least, he was, until he got stuck in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when international borders closed due to the Moron-A-Virus. In a bizarre twist of Sync, Kuala Lumpur happens to be the home of the world’s largest existing Twin Towers…


Thank you for listening to the Midnight in the Desert Hour podcast. This segment is a portion of our regular 4 hour program broadcast 5 days a week on the Internet station Dark Matter Radio. We broadcast LIVE at 1 AM Eastern time, 10PM Pacific time. See for more information and links to listen LIVE and join our Time Travelers subscription service to listen to our full archives of the show.