From mysteriously losing 4 hours of time while driving, to your indoor dog somehow appearing outside when you least expect it. These disturbing stories will take you on an exploration through the world of real life glitches, and will leave you with a sense of relaxation and calm. It's equal parts unsettling, and relaxing. Maybe its the fact that Glitch in the Matrix stories are so relatable, maybe its the spooky rain ambience in the background, or it could be the narrator's calming voice. Why do YOU like these hearing these encounters?

If you have a story you want to submit, email it to [email protected]


Click follow, and be careful out there.


00:00 - We lost about 4 hours of time in 30 seconds by Ashleigh

02:34 Everyone (except my very logical husband) believe my glasses were all blue, now they’re black and blue by u/living4you95_

07:06 - Saw a man walking twice, miles apart within approx 5 minutes by anonymous

09:25 - 30 Minutes Missing by u/Comfortable_Toe_1724

12:55 - I couldn't be found by anoymous

14:53 - Watch mysteriously appeared in another state by Farrah from Joliet, IL

17:21 - Disappearance by u/Ok-Bridge-5149

18:42 - Farm Animal Glitch by u/ShareConscious1420

21:00 - You ever have something vanish right next to you by u/VinnieD23

22:23 - An interesting but mundane glitch by u/Returnofthejedinak

25:05 - I just went back 1 hour by anonymous

26:39 - Classmate glitched through the corridors by u/AberrantSalience

28:00 - Same guy driving at least 5 different cars at the same time by u/PancakeSoups

29:27 - My Dog Appeared Outside & I have No Idea How by u/Ambitious_Thread

36:21 - Accidental glitch??? by u/Realistic_Camel_799

40:10 - Histology plate changed in front of my eyes by u/Space-Prince4

42:19 - Lost 2 hours of time by u/Fancyoatmeal716

45:25 - My dog just phased through the door! by u/indigowulf

47:27 - The sun blinked? by u/Puzzleheaded_Risk456

49:02 - Seeing the same people in an impossible space of time by u/deegeecoo

50:51 - Witnessed the same scene from two different perspectives by anonymous

52:24 - Trousers replaced with a pillow case by u/poyopoyo77

54:10 - Premonition? Glitch in the matrix? by u/PickledPercocet

57:55 - Wrong sound happened on my desk by u/BashfulBastian

59:13 - Keyboard changed colour (have I skipped universes?) by u/TeenOn_PanicMode

This podcast is for entertainment purposes only.

#truescarystories #glitchinthematrix #glitchstories