Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Gail Thackray, Reiki Master, psychic surgeon, spiritual healer. Unlock the secrets of past lives, deliver messages from spirit, and harness the power of crystal healing for prosperity. Reiki, psychic surgeons, and spiritual healers for a deeper connection to spirit and answers about health, love, finances, and soul purpose.


Exceptional Medium doing Energy Realignment for Health, Love, Wealth & Soul



1) How she learned from psychic surgeons and healers around the world?
2) Gail converses with two dogs
3) Which Gemstone works for your energy?
4) How to do the Manifesting Experiment?

My guest Gail Thackray is a 6-generation Reiki Master who has travelled extensively working with spiritual healers and psychic surgeons around the world. Gail is an exceptional medium with tremendous connection to spirit. She helps people realign their energies for better health, love, finances and to live their soul-purpose. Gail can see people’s past-lives, tap into their body energetically and often gives messages from spirit. Gail is in-tune with crystals and stones, working on people’s energy fields and using crystal healing to protect and enhance the aura. Gail is the author of Usui & Tibetan Reiki Manuals, 30 Days to Prosperity, and several other books on spiritual healing and psychic mediumship development.

Guest, Gail Thackray, Reiki Master, psychic surgeon, spiritual healer. Unlock the secrets of past lives, deliver messages from spirit, and harness the power of crystal healing for prosperity. Reiki, psychic surgeons, and spiritual healers for a deeper connection to spirit and answers about health, love, finances, and soul purpose.

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Gail Thackray, Reiki Master, psychic surgeon, spiritual healer. Unlock the secrets of past lives, deliver messages from spirit, and harness the power of crystal healing for prosperity. Reiki, psychic surgeons, and spiritual healers for a deeper connection to spirit and answers about health, love, finances, and soul purpose.


Exceptional Medium doing Energy Realignment for Health, Love, Wealth & Soul



1) How she learned from psychic surgeons and healers around the world?
2) Gail converses with two dogs
3) Which Gemstone works for your energy?
4) How to do the Manifesting Experiment?

My guest Gail Thackray is a 6-generation Reiki Master who has travelled extensively working with spiritual healers and psychic surgeons around the world. Gail is an exceptional medium with tremendous connection to spirit. She helps people realign their energies for better health, love, finances and to live their soul-purpose. Gail can see people’s past-lives, tap into their body energetically and often gives messages from spirit. Gail is in-tune with crystals and stones, working on people’s energy fields and using crystal healing to protect and enhance the aura. Gail is the author of Usui & Tibetan Reiki Manuals, 30 Days to Prosperity, and several other books on spiritual healing and psychic mediumship development.

Guest, Gail Thackray, Reiki Master, psychic surgeon, spiritual healer. Unlock the secrets of past lives, deliver messages from spirit, and harness the power of crystal healing for prosperity. Reiki, psychic surgeons, and spiritual healers for a deeper connection to spirit and answers about health, love, finances, and soul purpose.