Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guests, Darryl Anka. Bashar is a non-physical being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka. How time, change, and manifesting creates outcomes. Take your Mind, Body, & Spirit to the next level.


Preparing Earth for Extraterrestrial Contact

1) Extraterrestrial visitation history and our DNA
2) The opportunity to Becoming a Galactic Citizen
3) Upcoming ET exchange of wisdom and technologies
4) Current steps towards Free Energy

Darryl Anka is renowned for his channeling abilities and his long-standing connection with a being named Bashar. Bashar is an interdimensional being, who imparts wisdom and guidance on various aspects of human existence. Anka's work as a channeler has spanned 4 decades, he is also a filmmaker, an author, and co-owner of an L.A. based Escape Room.

My guest Darryl Anka has channeled the remarkable multi-dimensional being known as Bashar for 40 years. Bashar describes himself as an extra-terrestrial being from the future; a "contact specialist" who is specifically involved in preparing Earth for Extraterrestrial Contact. To learn more about Darryl: https://darrylanka.com/

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guests, Darryl Anka. Bashar is a non-physical being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka. How time, change, and manifesting creates outcomes. Take your Mind, Body, & Spirit to the next level.


Preparing Earth for Extraterrestrial Contact

1) Extraterrestrial visitation history and our DNA
2) The opportunity to Becoming a Galactic Citizen
3) Upcoming ET exchange of wisdom and technologies
4) Current steps towards Free Energy

Darryl Anka is renowned for his channeling abilities and his long-standing connection with a being named Bashar. Bashar is an interdimensional being, who imparts wisdom and guidance on various aspects of human existence. Anka's work as a channeler has spanned 4 decades, he is also a filmmaker, an author, and co-owner of an L.A. based Escape Room.

My guest Darryl Anka has channeled the remarkable multi-dimensional being known as Bashar for 40 years. Bashar describes himself as an extra-terrestrial being from the future; a "contact specialist" who is specifically involved in preparing Earth for Extraterrestrial Contact. To learn more about Darryl: https://darrylanka.com/