Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Neale Donald Walsch, American Writer, NealeDonaldWalsch.com

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

Neale has written 39 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Titles in the With God series include: Conversations with God, Books 1-3; Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; What God Wants; and Home with God. Seven of the books in that series reached the New York Times Bestseller List, CWG-Book 1 occupying that list for over two-and-a-half years. His most recent books are When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012), What God Said (2013), GOD'S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: You've Got Me All Wrong (2014), and Conversations with God: Awaken the Species (Book 4) (2017).

His newest book is The God Solution, was published in December, 2020 by Phoenix Books.


Understanding God


1) Neale's insights on love, relationships: treasures shared.
2) God's call: Embrace life's present moments.
3) Neale's impact: Moving Matt Lauer deeply.
4) Divine truths: God's messages, clear, undeniable.
5) Transcending forgiveness: Neale's profound revelations.

My guest Viviane Chauvet is an interstellar being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a projected hybrid human form as an emissary for the re-ascension timeline. Renowned for her advanced healing services, Viviane has conducted over 23,000 private sessions worldwide. As an oracle of Arcturus, her mission includes traveling from star system to star system to assist civilizations on the verge of evolutionary Ascension process. She is a member of the intergalactic Federation of Light and collaborates with Star Regency and interplanetary councils. Viviane speaks at conferences and is interviewed on radio and online summits. Viviane is featured in the multi-award-winning documentary "Extraordinary: The Revelation" and featured in an upcoming documentary, based on Craig Campobasso’s book, "The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac." To learn more: https://www.infinitehealingfromthestars.com/

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Neale Donald Walsch, American Writer, NealeDonaldWalsch.com

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

Neale has written 39 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Titles in the With God series include: Conversations with God, Books 1-3; Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; What God Wants; and Home with God. Seven of the books in that series reached the New York Times Bestseller List, CWG-Book 1 occupying that list for over two-and-a-half years. His most recent books are When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012), What God Said (2013), GOD'S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: You've Got Me All Wrong (2014), and Conversations with God: Awaken the Species (Book 4) (2017).

His newest book is The God Solution, was published in December, 2020 by Phoenix Books.


Understanding God


1) Neale's insights on love, relationships: treasures shared.
2) God's call: Embrace life's present moments.
3) Neale's impact: Moving Matt Lauer deeply.
4) Divine truths: God's messages, clear, undeniable.
5) Transcending forgiveness: Neale's profound revelations.

My guest Viviane Chauvet is an interstellar being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a projected hybrid human form as an emissary for the re-ascension timeline. Renowned for her advanced healing services, Viviane has conducted over 23,000 private sessions worldwide. As an oracle of Arcturus, her mission includes traveling from star system to star system to assist civilizations on the verge of evolutionary Ascension process. She is a member of the intergalactic Federation of Light and collaborates with Star Regency and interplanetary councils. Viviane speaks at conferences and is interviewed on radio and online summits. Viviane is featured in the multi-award-winning documentary "Extraordinary: The Revelation" and featured in an upcoming documentary, based on Craig Campobasso’s book, "The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac." To learn more: https://www.infinitehealingfromthestars.com/