How do you effectively market your music so you attract your ideal fans? PR and Music Marketing Coach Diane Foy shares her roadmap.


[03:41] Diane's story: how she became a PR Coach

[09:41] The importance of figuring out your WHY

[13:15] Phase 1: Clarity

[17:30] Phase 2: Confidence

[20:01] How to overcome limiting beliefs

[21:30] Phase 3: Captivate

[24:54] How to construct your story if you are an introvert

[26:09] The dangers of oversharing

[28:14] Phase 4: Competitive Edge

[31:30] How to find your Fan Avatar

[32:48] Content Creation. Anyone overwhelmed?

[35:11] Who's your ideal audience?

[36:11] How to engage your audience on socials in a way that actually works.

[38:03] How not to get overwhelmed by the social media machine

[45:14] When you should not hire a publicist

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