What does it mean to be an authentic musician? Why should songwriters be embracing authenticity? What is authentic music? Artist Coach, Hypnotherapist and Singer-Songwriter Elisa Di Napoli aka Elyssa Vulpes talks about how to be authentic and why this matters. 

[02:02] The Conflict between your inner guiding voice and the pressure to conform
[03:02] Why it does not matter if your music is super niche
[04:08] Why is making authentic music is terrifying and satisfying at the same time
[05:05] Where does creativity come from?
[05:44] Why being inauthentic is alluring
[06:22] Why sticking to genres and fads is setting yourself up for failure
[07:10] Fitting in vs Belonging
[08:17] When being inauthentic is OK
[09:24] Why self actualization is not optional
[10:40] Grow or die?
[11:33] Is grit more important than talent?

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