Firstly, huge apologies for saying Juicero wrong during this episode - I should have looked up the pronunciation beforehand! I thought the company was called Juiceroo!

Right, apology out of the way and back to today's episode. Today, I am answering listeners questions from why I started a podcast, what were the events that shaped me as a child and who my favourite guests were.

Trigger warning, in the first answer, I talk about a sad situation which happened when I was young - I do suggest you pause the episode here if you have children around you.

I really, really enjoyed doing this AMA and hope to do more in the future so let me know what you think! You can find me @daniellenewnham on Instagram and Twitter. And please don't forget to rate and review the podcast if you enjoyed it - it really does mean the world to me and helps others to find it too.

Danielle Twitter / Instagram / Newsletter


Mentioned in this episode:

The story of Nicholas and Daniel Caffell 
In Search of the Rainbow's End (book written by the boys' father Colin Caffell)

Richard Browning episode here

Andy Hertzfeld episode here




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