Ihatovo Monogatari 06 (Season -6 episode -13)

New chapter listeners. Listen in on me struggling my way through this elephant-centric chapter of Ihatovo Monagatari AKA Stories of Ihatovo aka Ihatovo Story, aka a cool narrative adventure game all based on the writings of Kenji Miyazawa, who's name I'm crow-barring into this episode description on the off chance that some weird soul enters Kenji's name into a podcast search engine to try to find podcast episodes all about Kenji Miyazawa. If you did that and you found this... Hooray! Please download it! Please download my stuff. I watch my numbers so closely, you wouldn't even believe, I promise I'll notice the little blip I get from your attention and it would make me feel real good. So hey, do it for old Dan, huh? Download my episodes? Go onnnn, you don't even have to listen, it won't change the size of the blip at all. What do ya say?

Yeah, thanks in advance.
Music in this ep was Killing in the Name of by Rage Against the Machine, and also a little bit of Six Ways to Sunday by The Drones, and also Sleapwalk by Rob Bourasa.
Also I came *THIS* close to putting Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel by Behemoth all over the last bit of the episode, coz of when the elephants started going on about blowing their trumpets.
But I took it out. It kinda over-powered the moment.
Here it is if you wanna listen to it before the ep. That way you'll get to the bit and think "huh, yeah I can see why dan wanted to stick this in there, but yeah I respect his decision because it definitely would have overshadowed that cool moment with the elephants, yeah"
