Evie's Enchanted Emporium 02. (Season -08 episode -08).

I played to the end of the demo! This is the finale. F Lorelei I sincerely hope that you continue filling out the world.
Everyone else you can find this demo at https://fallenlorelei.itch.io/evies-enchanted-emporium
and subscribe to the Fallen Lorelei Youtube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChH50vAPlEmsdX3HDtTijBw

The thumbnails in these two episodes have both been fan-art by me, Daniel K, host of the Daniel K's Let's Plays podcast, and boy they were real fun to draw. I got really into it.

Anyway, thanks all.
I think the only music in this episode was the closing-credits music, Six Ways to Sunday by The Drones. Maybe I'm wrong though, I edited this one a couple days ago..