Hello Friends!

I am jumping into the land of working out... pray for me because I've been very seditary since zoom dance classes fizzled out. In this episode I'm sharing a few online and in person cross training classes I'm going to try. Some are free (yay!) and some cost real human money. If there are any fitness things that work for you or classes in NYC that I missed please let me know because I need to try as much as possible so at least one thing sticks!Β 


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🌟Let's connect! 🌟

Follow the show @deardancepod (formerly dancers doing stuff)

Follow me at @haleygrove and @essentiallyhaley on Instagram.

Dear Dance comes out every Friday with mini episodesa on Monday! Our live show happens on YouTube at Essentially Haley every Wednesday at 7:30​​.

If you are interested in being a guest on Dear Dance, e-mail me at [email protected].