Hello Everyone!

I loved talking to Jason Potell a few months ago. Jason is an incredible ballroom dancer and has traveled the world, learning different partner dances, teaching, and organizing events for the ballroom community. When he is not on the dance floor, he works to make his community better. Jason is currently running for Congress in Los Angeles, and he hopes to be a voice for all dancers, artists, and performers across the country! While we chatted, we made really complicated paper flowers.

Follow Jason on Instagram @jasonpotell to stay up to date with his dancing and his campaign, and don't forget to check out his website www.potellforcongress.com.


I am so excited to share my first ever affiliate link with the Dear Dance family!

Check out https://groundgreentea.com/referrals create your account and click on my picture as your referral. You will get a %5 discount and build loyalty points with every Sei Mee Tea product you purchase!

The Patreon is officially live! Check it out here https://www.patreon.com/essentiallyhaley

Don't forget to create your profile on Arts Wrk using my special link (and then I might get a prize!), and add me as a connection once you have your profile set up!


Follow the show @deardancepod (formerly dancers doing stuff)

Follow me at @haleygrove and @essentiallyhaley on Instagram.

Dear Dance comes out every Friday with mini-episodes on Mondays! Our live show happens on youtube at Essentially Haley every Wednesday at 7:30​​.

If you are interested in being a guest on Dear Dance, e-mail me at [email protected].