In this episode Joanna Vargas interviews Dameion “Lucky” Smith. He is well known for his great personality and lively energy as an MC and host for several events in the entertainment industry and in sports. Lucky talks about the importance of making positive changes in your life and how you can start evolving at any time in your life. It’s never too late to be your true self. He also talks about how you can improve your presence on stage.


In this episode you will learn about:

How you can continue moving forward regardless of where you’re at in life.The different perspectives that can help you give your audience what they want.Why the way you speak and project is important while entertaining hundreds of people.The difference between feeling nervous or anxious before going on stage.Tips that you can use to teach kids to dance and help them improve.



Show Notes:


Lucky is a very inspiring speaker. His personality and energy is contagious even when he is hosting an event for thousands of people in the dance and sports events. Lucky is also a dancer and choreographer. He has worked with several artists in the entertainment industry. 



Question Highlights:

What have you learned during this pandemic?As a dancer and an MC, what is your process before going on stage?What kind of enjoyment do you receive by hosting all the events you’ve done?What are the differences you see between the dance generations?What would you like to see more of in the dance community during this pandemic?



About Lucky:

Dameion Lucky Smith has been blazing stages with high energy since he was in high school. Born and raised in South Central Los Angeles, he made his first debut performing in 2010. 


Dancing since a young age, Lucky caught his momentum paying homage to his influences such as Micheal Jackson, Usher and groups such as The Temptations on smaller stages until he picked up a mic in 2010. As he developed his career as a live host and emcee, Lucky used his bookings as a host to showcase his talents as a dancer as well. Adding impromptu dance freestyles on stage was one skill he has been known for! 


In this current stage of his career, he considers this the “patience period” in which he mentions that this down time is used to focus on his craft as a Live Entertainer. From singing, to dancing, to acting, he can do it all; Lucky completes his package as a triple threat which only motive on stage is to “Win the Day and make the crowd smile”. He continues to keep God centered as his motivation and understands that he is on this Marathon...Hungry. For. Success.

Follow Lucky:

Lucky on IGLuck on Facebook Lucky on CalState L.A Website 


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Learn more The Get Up GirlJoanna Vargas on InstagramJoanna Vargas on FacebookTikTok @joannavargasofficial