Ahoy me lads and lassies! Did ye think I was lost at sea? Well I was, kind of. My youngest daughter got married last Saturday, and for those of you who’ve been involved with a wedding, you know how that can keep a person busy. But I’m back with a bunch of new shows that I think you are going to really like, starting with this one with Kat the Wiccan Mortician. I hinted in my last show that a witch would be making an appearance, and poof! There she was! I didn't even have to wiggle my nose, I just, you know, picked up the phone and called her, like regular people. But you will find Kat anything but regular. Brilliant, insightful, friendly, caring, and plenty knowledgeable about both her Wiccan religion and the inner workings of the funeral industry. Please join me for Part One of my two part interview with Kat the Wiccan Mortician.