I’ve been promising for some time now to take the show straight to hell and that time is now! I’m so excited to have my friend Gary Amirault on the show, but before I introduce him I want to explain some of the noises you might hear in the background. I’m celebrating the holidays with my wife’s family and so am recording this in the town of Recife, Brazil, where the neighbors are having a wonderful party. Maybe we’ll join them for a Caipirinha or three later on. I could have gone to a quieter place to record but I intentionally  stayed where I am because I love feeling like one little white fish in a psychedelic human aquarium of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-racial diversity. In fact, I believe that’s what heaven will look like. Curiously, that love has a lot to do with the subject of hell. In the first moments of this show you’ll hear how I went searching for a way I could retain my respect for the Bible as divinely inspired, and yet lose a doctrine that was no longer compatible with my heart’s beliefs. That is how I found Gary. Here is a man who thinks with both his heart and his head, and this balanced emotionally and intellectual intelligence, plus a lot of research and study, led him to conclude heaven will include a whole lot more souls that most people think, and hell will not only be empty, it doesn’t exist at all. Let the Fighten’ Fundies light up the phones with their protests as we drop in on a conversation with Gary Amirault of tentmaker.org