What’s the best predictor of your child’s emotional well-being? It’s not great schools, hugs, or Pixar movies. Researchers at Emory University found that whether a kid knew their family history was the number one indicator. Raja Badr-el-Din and Mark Valentine of Ramblin’ Stories, both 23 years old, intuitively knew that. They sensed that without the stories of elder seniors, their lives would be somehow less rich, and their struggle would be greater. That’s when they cooked up a scheme. They fixed up a 1973 Chevy milk truck and took to the road, recording the stories of whatever elder showed up. Along the way they learned one of the great truths of life, plus how to get a cheap hot shower on the road.

Their adventure reminds me of something I would have done at their age…and would still do! Oh, that plus Ken Kesey’s magic bus ride of 1964, an event that touched a match to the powder keg of the 60’s.

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