Today I continue with my “Moving to Higher Ground” theme, where I interview folks who are stepping outside of their comfort zones, taking risks, and going for a lifestyle that while unconventional, holds the promise of getting them through their sunset years with a degree of security and quality that they might not have if they just stayed in place.   Why am I doing that? Well, it’s because that’s the kind of journey I’m on myself, and I thought I’d take you along for the ride with me as I fumble and bumble my way through the adventure. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes.   In fact, this will be the last show I record in the US for a while. In just two short weeks I leave for an extended trek through Africa and Europe, living out of a backpack. Am I scared to leave my comfy life in the US behind? You bet I am…scared moving to terrified. But as it’s been said, “If your dream doesn’t scare you, then it isn’t big enough,” and I’m all for bigger dreams.   My guest today, Steve Appleton, is a guy who chased his dream down to Mexico, where he runs an online e-bike store from his laptop. You’ll hear how he did it, and how an unexpected twist in life’s curvy road motivated him to keep going. Stay to the end of the interview to hear some truly precious advice from Steve that is valuable no matter where you are or what you’re doing. You’re going to love it.   So please join me on the Dance Past Sunset podcast as I talk with Steve Appleton, owner of