Every month I receive in the mail a lovely little package with a handpainted cover of an exotic place I might like to live. Inside this package are stories of people just like me, boomers who, for one reason or another, have decided to take a walk on the wild side and fully explore the pros and cons of living outside the United States. That package is International Living magazine, and in this episode of Dance I talk with Dan Prescher, a Vice President and writer with the magazine, and more than that, a person who walks the talk. Seventeen years ago Dan and his wife Susan Haskins left snowy Omaha, Nebraska and have lived south of the border ever since, enjoying the sunshine, great food, low prices, and comradery of other North American ex-patriots, or expats as they are called. In this show you’ll get an inside peak into Dan and Susan’s life, their tips on how to live on $2500 a month or less, how ex-pat living affects a marriage, advice on staying connected with grandkids, the good, bad and the ugly of living in a developing country, and so much more. You’ll even get a short lesson on the proper technique for eating fried grasshoppers with your mezcal — something I learned a year ago when I visited Dan’s present home city of Merida, Mexico, where I caught him on a Saturday morning. So please join me as I take a look on the other side of the mountain with Dan Prescher of International Living magazine.