"It was fun, fun, fun till your daddy took the T-Bird away," the song goes.    Well that's how a lot of elders feel when a doctor or child who is concerned for the elders safety (not to mention others on the road) urges the aged parent to stop driving. No more fun for you!   Not so fast! Shared car services like Uber, plus a host of third parties, are working hard to make their fleet of cars accessible to older folks who might not have a smartphone. That makes calling a car a bit tricky, because the Uber app uses GPS to locate the passenger, but as my guest Jay Holly from Uber explains, they have a few tricks and tips of their own that make it easy as pie.   Be sure to notice in this interview how Uber has added Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, called UberWAV, to their network, and about "Uber Central," which allows any bar, hairdresser, senior center, restaurant or other organization to summon an Uber car from a regular browser. It's the perfect way to get mom home again!   Finally, check out my short "Senior Moments" video that provides step-by-step directions for how to call an Uber car for your senior loved one, even if they live in another state.   See you on the road!