Are you sure you haven’t already listened to this episode? Because this week we’re talking about time travel, and whether you see it as a piece of paper, a ribbon, a wormhole, or just an illusion, there’s no shortage of...
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Are you sure you haven’t already listened to this episode? Because this week we’re talking about time travel, and whether you see it as a piece of paper, a ribbon, a wormhole, or just an illusion, there’s no shortage of mind-bending theories about it in pop culture. Dr. Jude Kelley joins us — an actual science guy! — to discuss a few academic theories, apply them to the movies and books you already know, and see how Schroedinger’s Cat fits in to all of this. Plus, Chance Fortran gets a glimpse.

Hosts: Dan Amrich & Kat Auch

Special Guest: Dr. Jude Kelley


John Titor, supposed time traveler

Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus by Orson Scott Card

Island in the Sea of Time by S.M. Stirling

Somewhere in Time

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle


Palette-Swap Ninja

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