Tom Taaffe - the hero responsible for Nails at Damnation - is this week's guest to discuss being a booking agent for the likes of Sleep, Exodus, Pallbearer, Higher Power, Every Time I Die, Loathe, Vein and... Vance Joy.

He discusses the imminent decisions facing the major summer festivals which could cost them  "millions of pounds" if they don't call it right, the shock of being dropped by bands who "fancy a change" and the love/hate tussle between promoters and agents.

And why getting the most money for a show isn't always the smartest move for an agent or their band.

Surprisingly candid. Brilliantly revealing. And at two hours and ten minutes, a Damnation Versus record-breaker.

 For further info on Damnation Versus, or Damnation Festival visit:

#damnationversus #tomtaaffe

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