Previous Episode: Blue Therapy, Yes or No?

In this episode of the Daley Perspective podcast, Mr Daley and a guest discuss whether babies can make or break relationships. It is common to see people having babies because they feel this new life can heal what appears to be broken in their relationship. Sometimes you hear couples who express how having a baby saved their relationship. They were arguing and on the verge of breaking up and then along came this baby that brought so much hope, joy and love into their home and their bond was strengthened. They found something that anchored their relationship.
Mr Daley and his guest also discuss the state of the black man in today's society. They share their opinions on whether life is easier or harder for black men today. They discuss the notion that black men are only good enough to be athletes and entertainers. The conversation gets deep but remains light-hearted in delivery.

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Peace and blessings!