[00:00:00] Mr Daley: [00:00:00] Welcome to the show that gives it to you and no fluff, real Christianity and all that good stuff. Welcome to the Daley Perspective. And I'm your host, Mr. Daley. And today we are doing something a little different. We've got an interview today. I'm going to be talking to Izzy Baker. We're gonna be talking about his podcast.

But before we get into that, I want to give a shout out to everyone who's watching on YouTube. Shout out to the people that listen on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, Breaker Tune In wherever you listen from. We appreciate you. If you haven't subscribed yet, go to your favorite streaming platform and hit that subscribe button.

Subscribe and like on YouTube as well, make sure you hit the notification bell. So you get notified every time we post. So let me introduce, actually, let me hand over to my guest and let him introduce himself. So Izzy, let the people know who you are.

Izzy: [00:00:59] Hey [00:01:00] everybody. My name is Izzy Baker. I am from St. Louis, Missouri and the United States. I currently live in Houston, Texas. I I'm a writer, creative director, low key fake comedian, you know so many different things I can do, but right now, mainly I am a podcast host and the whole stuff, PSA podcast a mental health podcast.

I like to say it's the other side of mental health. And it is for mental health conscious millennials with unpopular opinions.

Mr Daley: [00:01:32] Cool. So first question for me, really? How did you get into this?

Izzy: [00:01:41] All right. So our remember was around 2017. I graduated high school, high school. I graduated college fall 16, graduated college, fall 16, and I had a job, but it ended up. I was about to get fired anyway, so I quit, but you know, post-grad depression, all that good [00:02:00] stuff kind of took place. So, you know, that's what that was.

And so I remember I was substitute teaching at the time,

dad had called me one day I was at work or after I got off work was like you know you're super creative You should create something like a blog or something.

So I originally came up with the name PSA, which is prodigy sportive attestations, which is a double meaning. So prodigy is the name of the brand.

Me and my father own sportive is the double meaning light or playful, and then attestations is something delivered as truth or news. So if you put it all together, you can say prodigy, light truth, light news, funny news, funny, truth whatever it is, long as, you know, it's kind of like something that's true, but then delivered in a way that, you know,

so it was a blog at first where I was kind of take the stuff that happened on in the world.

And I was just like, make jokes about it, you know, just kind of bring light to the situation, make jokes, but I couldn't really keep up with it. and so. [00:03:00] I took time out and I was okay. I was praying. I was thinking God, like, what can I do? What can I do? Because I felt like the name was too creative, not to be doing something with so I took a break sometimes we don't know what to do that sometimes we want to keep trying to find something sometimes just you just need to just stay back from so, around August I took a break from it and I remember I was supposed to go out with some friends one night and this was maybe early 2018 or late 2019 And I didn't go and I was watching this lady and she was like God is going to drop the idea today so I was laying in the bed and ideas just started download and so when I decided I was hearing between YouTube podcasts but then I ended up hearing podcasts was two things I always wanted to do a YouTube channel but this was before I lost weight and I'm still like toning up and stuff now so I didn't want to I didn't really like one like I was to a camera, so, and I was like podcasts I don't know. I don't even like podcasts. So I listened to them, I should say. So I ended up, it was one I listened to the whole summer. Not even [00:04:00] on purpose before I even knew I was going to do a podcast which I know was a divine set up.

And then when I decided the podcast, I said, okay, cool. So then I took about two to three weeks to just study podcasts, like the top podcasts in these categories, why they number one and drop the first episode, February of 2018. and season five comes back March 18th.

Mr Daley: [00:04:24] Right. Right. So there's some that you, you dropped a few things in that whole intro right there that I want to touch on. First one, first thing you said was postgraduate depression . I ain't even going to front. I don't even know what the definition of postgraduate depression is. So what is post-graduate depression?

How do how do you know, is it something that everyone goes through and we just don't know about it.

Izzy: [00:04:52] So a lot of people go through it. Like I said, I don't know how it is because you're in the UK. Right.

Mr Daley: [00:04:57] right 

Izzy: [00:04:58] So I don't know how it is there [00:05:00] but in the United States there's something is actually very possible most people a lot of people do go through it not everybody but it's kind of that wouldn't what now because it's like we did all this school celebrated all this and it's like now what because it's so hard and so competitive and it's so difficult to get a job unless you're trying to be a doctor a lawyer or a teacher you know it's like what now so for me I was originally going to school with the intent of being a lawyer which was something that I really didn't want to do but I was told I'd be good at it and 

Mr Daley: [00:05:38] that experience?

And what happened was I had went to visit the school. I went to Texas Southern university HBCU in Houston, Texas. Well, I live in Houston now and I had went to visit the school and they was trying to figure out me and my dad was like, well, we want to be a lawyer. So we asked the lawyer what'll be his best thing to majoring.

He said English, because that's going to be [00:06:00] the most beneficial. It will be helpful with critical analysis of the help you get through law school. And it was like worst case. If I don't go to be a lawyer, I can always

teach and so that's kind of how that happened. I was always good at English. I was an AP, I was always been a writer, my whole life, always the creative stories.

And then my junior senior year, I was in AP English, so of high school. So it kind of just aligned, which is funny with that even because in high school I didn't sign up for AP English. My teacher signed me up for AP English and said, You know, I think you can do it. I really would want you to, if you don't want to it's okay.

But I really think should and you know not even realizing all of what's happening you know it was again set. So yeah.

Oh, okay. Okay. So if I relate to that, I think in the UK, definitely we, there are a number of people that go through that situation where they've been to school. They finished, they [00:07:00] graduated. Can't get a job and they're like, well, what do I do now?

It was, my situation was a bit weird. Cause I went, I did, I finished, I got a job before I finished, so I didn't really have that lull I didn't have that downtime. But where I went to was away from home, it was the first time I'd ever left home.

Izzy: [00:07:26] Hmm.