Ruth 3 picks up right where Ruth 2 left off!
Ruth has been labouring in the field of her family's relative, Boaz, for the duration of the harvest season! Boaz has instructed his workers not to allow anyone to trouble her and also to make a special allowance for her so that she can amass more grain than she otherwise would have. Boaz has taken a liking to her and has decided to show her favour. 
At this point of Naomi instructs Ruth to make her move. It is time to secure her future with Boaz and she must prepare herself and make a move on Boaz so he knows of her interest and intentions.
How does it all play out? What does it all mean? Why now? Why the approach that Naomi instructed? Find out on this episode of Biblical Bias with Mr Daley and Shadow.

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Peace and blessings!

Mr Daley