Tamers was good, right? So the movies based off of Tamers are going to be good too, right? Tom, Buggy, Chris, and Maddy quickly realize that no, that’s not quite true as they discuss the Okinawa Board of Tourism, Minami’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, half-vanished dubs, and daddy issues. Download (right click,… Read

Tamers was good, right? So the movies based off of Tamers are going to be good too, right? Tom, Buggy, Chris, and Maddy quickly realize that no, that’s not quite true as they discuss the Okinawa Board of Tourism, Minami’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, half-vanished dubs, and daddy issues.

Download (right click, save link as) | Time: 3:08:17 | iTunes | YouTube Link (coming soon)

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