There’s a lot of conversation circling about milk alternatives and their potential impact on global dairy consumption and NZ dairy farming. But what do we mean by ‘milk alternatives’? What are the differences between plant alternatives and precision fermentation? Also, where are milk alternatives at and what are the facts – and the myths – about new and existing products? 

Here to shed some light on the matter is Warren McNabb, Professor of Nutritional Sciences at the Riddet Institute, Massey University. Warren will discuss how milk alternatives have developed to date and what the future is looking like.

Frontier Farms - DairyNZ
Inside Dairy Feb-March 2023 - DairyNZ


01:31 – Who is Warren?

03:46 – Warren explains the different milk alternatives and where they’re at on their journey

11:40 – Nutritional differences between milk alternatives and traditional dairy, and what that means for global nutritional requirements

14:21 – What is a plant-based and animal-optimised food system?

17:57 – How does traditional dairy sustainability compare with milk alternatives?

20:45 – Precision fermentation’s future

24:00 – Key messages for NZ farmers, traditional dairy’s role in future food systems, and what alternative milks mean for dairy farmers

26:50 – Warren’s brunch chat with friends


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