Welcome to the daily304 – your window into Wonderful, Almost Heaven, West Virginia.  

Today is Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023.  

Find out why this restaurant in Davis is so del-ISH-ious … WV BusinessLink offers tips on handling supply chain disruptions … and, whether you’re a local business offering services or a film crew in need of assistance, the WV Film Office is ready to assist … on today’s daily304. 


 #1 – From WV Living – It’s hard to describe what makes ISH Kitchen so cool.

Located at The Billy Motel in Davis, the dimly lit lounge is filled with funky furniture and chic decor. The look is a little bit roadside retro with notes of old-school ski lodge and other seemingly random touches that all come together in a vibe that’s been described—as their T-shirts proclaim—as “Hillbilly Fabulous.” 

“Every time my chef and I would start experimenting with possible menu items, we’d take a traditional ethnic dish and put a little spin on it,” says owner Joy Malinowsky. “So we joked that it was Indian-ish or Asian-ish. We found ourselves saying that a lot, so we knew we’d have to name the restaurant ISH.”

Not to mention the food is also “del-ISH-ious.”

Indeed, you get a little taste of everything at ISH Kitchen -- from France and Spain to Eastern Europe, Persia and Vietnam. Learn more at

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#2 – From WV BusinessLink – Many small businesses are still facing supply chain disruptions due to the current global pandemic. This can be a major problem for a business, but there are solutions that entrepreneurs and small business owners can use to overcome these hurdles. 

The experts at WV BusinessLink offer some tips on how to manage supply chain disruptions and ensure your business is running smoothly.

By identifying problem areas, looking for alternative suppliers or distribution methods, and improving inventory management practices, entrepreneurs and small business owners can keep their operations running smoothly despite any external forces that may arise. 

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#3 – From the WV Film Office  – Planning a film project? The West Virginia Film Office can help you secure your perfect location, find skilled workforce, and navigate film permitting.

Film Office staff are ready to help with an experienced crew, an established statewide network of governmental agencies, nation-leading fiscal incentives, local business leaders and community representatives that are unmatched in hospitality. 

Get started by visiting the Film Office website, where you’ll find a locations library and directory of services. And, if you’re a local business owner, consider listing your services -- film crews are in need of everything from caterers to transportation.

We look forward to working with you soon in – Yes, West Virginia!

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That’s all for now. Take care. Be safe. Get outside and enjoy all the opportunity West Virginia has to offer.