256: Take All You Want (Ephesians 1:18) // Ephesians Bible Study 29 (Nathan Johnson)

Speaker: Nathan Johnson
Series: Ephesians Bible StudyStudy: 29 - Take All You Want

As we continue to explore Paul’s prayer for believers, we discover that Paul prays that we would understand the riches of our inheritance. Far beyond mere money, property, or other tangibles, our inheritance is so much more! In this expositional study, Nathan Johnson looks at the second aspect of Paul’s prayer and explains how we are able to partake of our inheritance as much as we want (even now) – in fact, we are called to. Support this podcast

256: Take All You Want (Ephesians 1:18) // Ephesians Bible Study 29 (Nathan Johnson)

Speaker: Nathan Johnson
Series: Ephesians Bible Study
Study: 29 - Take All You Want

As we continue to explore Paul’s prayer for believers, we discover that Paul prays that we would understand the riches of our inheritance. Far beyond mere money, property, or other tangibles, our inheritance is so much more! In this expositional study, Nathan Johnson looks at the second aspect of Paul’s prayer and explains how we are able to partake of our inheritance as much as we want (even now) – in fact, we are called to.