Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

752: Learn to Stop Justifying What You Want

10X is Easier Thank 2x: Preorder for May 9 here

To go 10X requires committing fully to the 20% you most deeply resonate with and eliminate everything that can’t or won’t go 10X with you 

1. Wanting is about abundance and creation

a. Creativity is not a scarce resource and takes nothing away from anyone else. Rather, creativity actually creates new resources and opportunities which previously didn’t exist, and which would not have existed without someone proactively creating them.

2. Wanting requires no justification

a. When you want something, you don’t need to justify that want to anyone else. This will be particularly vexing to the self-righteous needers among us who will attempt to manipulate and guilt you into doing what they believe you should be doing, based on their scarcity frame of reference. To go 10X, as well as to live the life you are uniquely suited to live, you can’t pay heed to the scarcity mongers.

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