Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

630: I’m Young, Where Should I Start

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In the episode of Daily Success Strategies yesterday, I talked about the importance of working on yourself. That gave me an opportunity to have a conversation with a younger kid that is trying to figure out his way.

He knows that he wants to be an entrepreneur, but he’s not sure where to start or what he should do.

I talked to him about the importance of the things we talked about yesterday, such as the self-education, the networking, etc.

Today in this episode I add some more advice I have, such as gaining experience and getting a coach or a mentor. I shared the value I received by investing in a course by Robert G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen.

Regardless of the stage you are at, these are some ideas that will help you on your road to success.

There’s so much free content that you can learn from and once you’ve gained that knowledge, it can’t be taken from you. For example, in my Business Mastery training:

Discover How to Double Your Revenue in Just 5 Moves

Learn how to avoid the #1 mistake that entrepreneurs make that prevents them from becoming the person who can build a successful business…

A big part of the Mindset Journal is the Mindset Questions, which you can get for FREE at

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Don’t miss these programs from Success Coach, Jeff Heggie:

Become an Optimal Performing Entrepreneur:

Discover How to Double Your Revenue in Just 5 Moves

The Peak Performance System for High Achievers [FREE]:

The Confident Athlete Program: