Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

554: You Should Slay Dragons

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Do you have big dreams and goals?

Do you believe you can achieve them?

Set big goals that others think are impossible. Become obsessed with them and attack them with a real urgency to achieve them.

If you don’t have clearly defined, written out goals, go through my free Peak Performance System for High Achievers at This program will help you to set your goals, understand your purpose or your why for each goal, and create a plan to achieve those goals.

As you are planning your life and goals, keep these quotes in mind:

Peter Thiel:

“…you don’t have to wait to start something. So if you’re planning to do something with your life, if you have a 10 year plan of how to get there, you should ask: Why can’t you do this in 6 months?”

Bryan Callen:

“I think you should try to slay dragons. I don’t care how big the opponent is. We read about and admire the people who did things that were basically considered to be impossible. That’s what makes the world a better place to live.”

Are you ready to commit to achieving your goals this month? Be held accountable and make things happen. Join one of our High Achievers Accountability groups:

High Achievers Accountability:

Don’t miss these programs from Success Coach, Jeff Heggie:

The Confident Athlete

High Achievers Mindset Secrets