Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies 

480: How to Get the Most Out of Your Setbacks and Failures

In Todd Stottlemyre’s book, The Observer, a Modern Fable on Mastering Your Thoughts and Emotions, he teaches a technique called LSGT to help deal with setbacks and failures:

The Observer:

Relentless Success:

L – Learn: We learn from our experiences, other people’s experiences, and teaching by coaches. In any experience or teaching, ask what you are supposed to learn. Look for what opportunities these bring to learn something that could be helpful in rough times. You learn from others’ successes and failures. In this process, you become the observer.

S – Study: We study these experiences or teachings by replaying our past performances in this area. By studying, you search for deeper meaning that may lie beneath the surface. New patterns or obstacles might appear that help make additional connections. Keep delving deeper for what you’re supposed to learn here. Difficulties are not meant to take you out of the game, but to make you better at it.

G – Grow: We grow from what we learn and studyabout these experiences and teachings. They are lessons toward mastery, making you better at what you do. You develop new beliefs, strategies, and skills through this examination of past performance. It may appear that you’ve failed, but it is only the ground for growth. If you never fail, you never learn and grow.

T – Train: Training is the process through which we put new strategies, beliefs, and skills into action. As these new capacities are implemented and repeated, you put in place a new set of habits. Regular, consistent repetition is essential to developing habits that replace older, less-effective ones. As you train and establish new habits, you move into the next level of mastery. This new plateau in the climb toward peak performance actually positions you for the next level of failure. When this failure of challenge happens, you begin the LSGT process all over again.

It seeds the subsequent level of mastery. With this model, you’ll never look at setbacks and failures in the same way. This is the evolution of growth.

The Confident Athlete Program:

High Achievers Success: