Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

321: Compete Against The Best

Compete Above Your Skill Level

After my daughter’s senior year of high school, she received her summer workout plan from her college coach. It had specific drills, workouts, and conditioning that he wanted her to be doing. It also had a note telling her to play one-on-one and full games with guys as much as possible. He wanted her to seek out and play against anyone who may be stronger, faster, or more talented.

The best players, and those who are striving to be the best, seek out the best competition and that is how they get better.These are the players with the growth mindset who are looking to learn and improve. Small players, players with a fixed mindset, look to compete against other small players. It’s more important for them to look good and win than it is to learn and improve.

When you compete with those at the same, or a lower level than you, your progress and development is slow. By competing with those who are better than you, even if you’re not winning, you’ll learn and develop more and faster.

Rather than competing with those at your same level, where you feel comfortable competing, seek out those that are more advanced and skilled and compete with them. Compete against those who are already where you want to be.

Those who are big thinkers and who are striving to be their best have more vision than those who are less successful. They made decisions based on where they want to be, rather than where they are.

I’ve watched basketball players develop and become extremely skillful. They dominate on their team and in their league. They work hard to get to where they are and are justifiably proud of their accomplishments. But when they are taken out of their environment and compete with someone who is at the next level, they are surprised that they’ve lost their domination factor.

If you find yourself to be the best at what you do, congratulations. But don’t get comfortable. There is someone out there that is better. Seek them out and compete with them, study them, and learn from them.

Kobe Bryant was legendary. He is one of the best to ever play the game of basketball. He was relentless in his goal to become better. He was always trying to learn. He studied Michael Jordan endlessly. He didn’t have an ego that said he was too good for that. He was constantly studying and questioning Michael.

When you seek out and compete with the best, you will get better and better. You’ll learn from them as you compete with them and study them.

Always compete above your skill level.

Always be learning...