Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

313: Make the Change to Become the Person You Want to Be

Yesterday I talked about how your environment will dictate your success or failure. There’s no question that we are all shaped by our environment. This includes the people we spend time with, the events we are involved in, the books we read, what we listen to, and more.

It’s important to understand that we all have the power and ability to create our own environment this is ultimately going to influence who we become.

We can all have a significant influence on what we ultimately accomplish if we demand it from ourselves and create the environment to make it happen.

You take actions based on your thoughts and ideas. All your thoughts and ideas come from your different experiences and what you’ve been exposed to. Therefore, your environment impacts all your actions.

Dr. Benjamin Hardy said, “Most people are living small, not because they lack the inherent talent, but because their situation isn’t demanding more of them. They haven’t placed themselves in a position requiring them to become more than they currently are.”

Sometimes, they’re not putting enough demand on themselves and other times it’s the fear of changing their environment. This is especially true when the change of environment that is needed, is to stop spending time with specific people.  People who are not fully committed to their goals may recognize their toxic relationship but not be willing to change it.

When you have a strong enough purpose (your ‘why’), and you’re fully committed to your goals, anything is possible. This is the point where you purposefully change your environment. This may mean ending a relationship or starting new ones. It means putting yourself in situations and circumstances that will be beneficial to your success.

You are responsible for creating your environment that will bring you success. “Your choice of environment and external influences will directly reflect in the person you become.”

I worked with a student athlete that had a lot of talent and as a sophomore was a major contributor to his football team’s success. He recognized that if he put in the work, he would possibly have an opportunity to get a scholarship to help pay for his college education.

I explained to him some of the challenges that I could see for him. His group of friends were not football players and were known to make poor decisions that often got them into trouble. Rather than putting in extra training he would choose to spend time with this friend group.

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