Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies 

298: Your Perspective of Failure with Matthew Bain

We can learn a lot from failure. If you don’t learn from failure and become better because of it, you have wasted the experience.

We’ve all heard the quotes:

“Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”

“Fail fast, fail hard, fail often”

Failure is a part of life; it’s going to happen.

But that doesn’t make it any more fun. It’s easy to recite all the failure quotes, but when you fail, it still sucks.

That’s why it’s important to think about it before it happens. What are you going to do if you fail? How are you going to respond?

But even before that, “What is failure?”

I’ve watched an entrepreneur go through the struggles of a failed business with grace. I’ve also wondered if the world was going to come to an end after watching the reaction of a star basketball player missing a free throw.

Take the time to understand what failure is to you.

If you fail, what’s the worst that could happen and how would you deal with it?

Learn how to live with a growth mindset so that you don’t allow a failure to define you as a person. Failure is an outcome, it’s not who you are. Failure hurts, but it still doesn’t define you.

You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.

I’m a strong believer in the benefits of visualization and seeing the outcomes that you desire. I don’t want you to focus on the negative because you become what you think about. But I do encourage you to consider the worst outcomes so that you can know ahead of time, before emotions are involved, how you’ll deal with a situation. You’re not visualizing failure, you’re being smart and proactive.

“If we are doing anything important, the possibility of failure exists.” – Matthew Bain

When failure happens, focus on the things that you can control.

Control your thoughts and emotions so that you can make smart decisions during the chaos.