Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

296: Become a Confident Athlete

All of your life you’ve been taught WHAT TO THINK.

It’s time you learn HOW TO THINK.

You’re in charge of your mind. You can help it grow by using it the right way

Just learning about the growth mindset can cause a big shift in the way people think about themselves and their lives.

John, a collegiate student athlete, shared this when he learned about the fixed mindset and growth mindset:

“As a student athlete I had a fixed mindset. Winning was everything and learning did not enter the picture. However, after [learning about fixed and growth mindsets] I realized that I did not have a good mindset. I’ve been working on learning while I compete, under the realization that if I can continually improve, even in games, I will become a much better athlete.”

John’s internal monologue use to be: Win. Win. Win. You have to win to prove yourself. Everything depends on winning.

Now it’s: Observe. Learn. Improve. Become a better athlete.

First – You need to learn as much as you can about having a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset. (I’ve talked about this is other episodes of my Daily Success Strategies podcast. This is also a major focus in my course, High Achievers Mindset Secrets

Second – You need to learn How to Think!

Through this effort and combination, you’ll be able to figure out what’s best for you because you’ve cracked YOUR code.

Don’t just do ‘it’ because someone told you to.

Tim Grover, in his book W1NNING, he says that “it’s no coincidence that the greats figure out what works for them, regardless of what everyone else does.”

If you’re an athlete that is committed to be ready for your next season, you must develop your mental game!

Join me in The Confident Athlete Program where you’ll discover the secret formula to develop a powerful mindset, extreme confidence, and take your game to the next level!

Find out more at

*register before June 6, 2021 for early bird prices