Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies

293: The Riches Are in The Niches

Become the best… or even better, the ONLY

Identifying you niche is one of the most important steps in your business. But unfortunately, it’s also one of the most avoided, or resisted steps.

From the outside, this resistance makes sense. Most entrepreneurs that are afraid to narrow their niche feel this way because they don’t want to miss out on customers and opportunities. By narrowing down their niche they are excluding potential customers and they are making their market smaller

However, as the saying goes, “when you try to be everything to everyone, you accomplish being nothing to anyone.” When you get very specific about who your market is, you can focus on their biggest needs and struggles.

There are over 7 billion people on earth. They’re all not your potential customers. You can get a much, much smaller niche that is still a huge market.

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