Jeff Heggie Daily Success Strategies 

272: The Importance of Making a Difference

Lyndon Duke

Specialty was the linguistics of suicide

- Discovered that people in that state of mind didn’t think they were making a difference

“If something makes no difference, it has no meaning”

If it makes no difference, it has no meaning

If you could get a seemingly hopeless person to start making even a tiny difference, it would change everything in their lives

Difference making is the key:

- Creating wealth

- Creating relationships

- Creating clients

- Creating the life you want

I want to look at what difference I can make in your lifeby helping you see the differences you can start making

Self analysis

What can I do to make a difference right now?

Instead of How am I coming across?

Stop coming across. Start making a difference.

Stop trying to win approval

What difference can I make?

How can I contribute?

How can I help?